Tony Acevedo, a former US Army medic during WWII, kept a secret diary while he and his comrades were incarcerated by the Germans in a slave labor camp (Berga) in 1945. Fiftyt-five years later, Acevedo decided to donate that diary to the US ... I would say, 'I'm writing about the nice vacation I'm taking here in your compounds.'? The guard would laugh. ?I'll never forget him,? Acevedo said, his voice trailing off into the past. Singled out and sent to slave labor camp ...
Posted by: Nate Berg. 23 November 2010 - 12:00pm. New York City's Health Commissioner has urban design in his sights as he seeks to improve public health in the city. Speaking recently at a transportation conference, Commissioner Thomas ...
aside from a breakneck boom in five-star and boutique hotels, cutting-edge restaurants and bohemians art galleries, the town is advertising its ambitions most evidently in the explosion of a domestic coffeehouse culture. ...